In 2019 I’ve noticed I did fewer and fewer undercuts. I don’t know if it’s undercut exhaustion, people just wanting to change up their style, or maybe it had something to do by the other name that haircut goes by. I still have a lot of men who get undercuts, some have even got the haircut for the first time recently. I just don’t do as many of them as I did when the undercut was at it’s fashion peak. One thing I have noticed is that many guys still like a disconnection between the top of the hair and the sides, but they’re switching the side that the disconnection is on—so instead of an undercut there is more of a distinction on the side they’re parting from. I may get more people requesting these particular haircuts than the average barber because my Yelp page is mostly pictures of that style. The reason I like to use pics of that haircut it since it’s long on top, you’re able to show potential clients that you know how to use a pair of scissors, and the sides let people know that you can do a fade. Yelp’s SEO is usually better than mine, so when people search haircut near me, they usually show up before my page.